Yeah. I'm Michelle. A typical teenage girl, tbh. I hate it when people give me nicknames- especially my parents. Why give me a name if you're not even going to use it!

A lot of people consider me shy. Personally, I don’t think I am. I just do what I’m supposed to in school. Y'know, work? Read Chapter 5, sections 1-3, and do questions, 1-10. Yeah, that’s me. And the fact that I tend to speak quietly around most people doesn’t help either. Outside of school, I’m pretty, uh..weird. Loud, fun, even…obnoxious? Well, maybe not obnoxious, but you get the idea.

A few random facts

  • I have a ipod nano- which I couldn't live without.
  • I want to meet Masi Oka and stand in New York and scream YATTA.